HELP WITH BASIC NEEDS: May 17, 1:30-5:30pm
Through Redeeming Grace Church (formerly St. Mark Lutheran Church), 125 E. Arques Ave. in Sunnyvale, CLC is able to host a dinner and provide clothing for the homeless on Saturday, May 17, 2025. Here are ways you can help:
- Volunteer to cook and serve on May 17.
- Bring clothing donations to CLC's fellowship hall Apr. 20 , 27 or May 11. Preferable larger sized men's and women's warmer winter clothes and shoes.
- Donate financially. Please write or choose "Compassion Ministry" in the memo/note line and email of your donation.
- Pray that we share Christ's love as we interact with those we serve.
If you have any questions, please contact Jesse Lee or Pastor Ben of the Compassion Ministry.