What if God told you to stop? Where does your mind go? What’s the first thing you think He would want you to stop doing? If He’s telling you to stop, it probably means He’s had just about enough.
But what if He’s saying, “Stop everything”?
“Stop everything and come be with Me. Set aside all the things that need to get done.”
He has a word for this: Sabbath.
This week, we begin our series on Sabbath, starting with the idea of stop. Together, we will follow God’s example of taking a day for biblical rest. Let’s walk through the practice of Sabbath as a community.
Spiritual Health Reflection - practicingtheway.org/spiritual-health
Do you take a sabbath?
What obstacles get in the way?
Extra Credit this week
Pick a day for sabbath and give it a try
Set aside a time & pick one to three Sabbath activities