The Prayer Practice: Talking to God

February 2, 2025
Pastor Eric Venable
Luke 11:1-4, Matthew 7:9-11
Audio only

Welcome to the Prayer Practice! No matter where you are in your journey—whether you’re new to prayer, seeking a deeper experience with God, or simply wondering if there’s more to discover—we’re so glad you’re here. In a world filled with hurry and distraction, developing a life of prayer can be challenging, yet deeply rewarding. Prayer is our way of communicating and communing with God, a practice that helps us grow to be more like Him and partner in His work.

Over the next four sermons, we’ll explore the stages of prayer: talking to God, talking with God, listening to God, and simply being with God. While these stages offer a natural progression, prayer isn’t a checklist—it’s an ever-deepening relationship. The goal isn’t just to “pray more” or “pray better,” but to experience true union with God.

May this journey lead you to a deeper awareness of God’s presence, transformation into Christ’s likeness, and a Spirit-filled life that reflects His love to the world. Join us today as Pastor Eric kicks off this series segment on The Prayer Practice.

The Prayer Practice: Talking to God

02022025 Sermon Notes

Prayer  Practice  

  • Talking to God  
  • Talking with God  
  • Listening to God 
  • Being with God 

Prayer as a practice is learning to set aside dedicated time to intentionally be with God, in order to become like him and partner with him to what he’s called us to do in the worldWhat Jesus teaches his disciples to pray

  1. God is our Father  Matt 7:9 -11
  2. God is as close as air
  3. Worshipful enjoyment of our Fathers company
    1. “to hallow God’s name is to have a heart of grateful joy toward God - and even more, a wondrous sense of his beauty”.  Tim Keller 
  4. Our prayers make a difference

Dictator/Vending Machine

Our Father

Far away in outer space

Close as the air

Symptom Management

Delight in God

What happens, happens

Prayer makes a difference

How Jesus teaches his disciples to pray

  • The Lord’s Prayer ○    The Psalms
  • Scripture ○    Singing 
  • Liturgy ○    Apps

“There is no bad way to pray and there is no one starting point of prayer. All the great spiritual masters offer only one non-negotiable rule: You have to show up and you have to show up regularly.”  Ronald RolheiserExtra Credit 

  1. Create a daily prayer rhythm -  time and place
  2. Pick out a premade prayer. Pray it thoughtfully & aloud in your prayer rhythm 

Extra Extra credit : Take 10 -15 mins to walk through your prayer & expand it

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Feb. 2, 2025 The Prayer Practice: Talking to God