The Prayer Practice: Talking with God

February 9, 2025
Pastor Eric Venable
Luke 11: 5-13, 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18, Colossians 3:17,John 14:13-15
Audio only

Extra Credit 

1 Create a daily prayer rhythm -  ( time and place).

2 Pick out a premade prayer.  Pray it thoughtfully & aloud in your prayer rhythm 

1 Gratitude 

Talking with God about what is good in your life and world

2 Lament 

Talking with God about what is evil in your life and world

3 Petition and intercession 

Asking God to fulfill his promises to overcome evil with good

Petition is when we ask God to do something on our behalf 

Intercession is when we ask God to do something on someone else's behalf

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Feb. 9, 2025 The Prayer Practice: Talking with God